Photography is Therapeutic

April 05, 2017  •  Leave a Comment
There are countless people, myself included who have found the act of taking and editing photos to be quite therapeutic. Even working with photos at a later date can have therapeutic effects, you can ask questions about them, reminisce and even create stories based on them.
Here are a few things about photography which I find therapeutic:
• Photography motivates me to get outside, connect with others and with nature.
• Photography allows for me to have a shift in my perspective, when I look through new or different lenses I often feel as if I am viewing the world    differently.
• With photography I have searched and found the beauty in the world.
• Photography creates a form of communication which is non-verbal, when dealing with issues such as anxiety or depression which are hindered by    stigma, this can be a huge asset.
• Photography offers control of how the world is framed.
I have found that  the above mentioned therapeutic benefits of photography have personal helped me. It has also been my experience that as I continue in life, photos from my past have provided me with powerful insights and reminders, it has shown me how overtime the perspective I have had of myself and the world has changed. Photography has helped me see how I have grown as a person.


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